Share the Warmth: Lyon’s Annual Coat Drive Kicks Off Soon
Winter is right around the corner, and that means some members of our community may go without the clothing they need to keep warm throughout the coldest months. To that end, Lyon Real Estate is kicking off its annual coat drive to collect new winter coats to distribute to those in need.
Now in its 11th year, the Lyon Real Estate Annual Coat Drive collects much more than coats. Also needed are jackets, hoodies, fleece, sweaters, scarves, hats, mittens and other winter clothing. New and gently worn items in all sizes and for all ages are needed, including those for infants, children, men and women.
The Lyon Real Estate Annual Coat Drive will officially begin Oct. 1, and run through Oct. 31. Each of Lyon’s 17 offices in Sacramento, El Dorado, Placer and Yolo counties will serve as a collection site, with distribution taking place through local agencies in each community.
Since its inception in 2010, the Lyon Real Estate Annual Coat Drive has collected and donated more than 72,000 coats to local organizations throughout the greater Sacramento area. In 2020, Lyon offices donated warm winter essentials to 20 local agencies, including Loaves & Fishes, WEAVE, Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services, St. John’s Program for Real Change, and Lighthouse Counseling & Family Resource Center, among many others.
Despite the region’s relatively mild winters, coats are a necessity for staying warm and dry. Coat donations from drives such as Lyon Real Estate’s help increase awareness and generate substantial donations to assist those in need in local communities.
“We are committed to continuing the coat drive this year as the need grows for much-needed resources in our communities,” said Lyon Real Estate president Pat Shea. “Through the efforts of our staff and community members, many locals will be able to experience the gift of warmth this winter.”
Coats and accessories can be dropped off during normal business hours, Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–5 p.m. at one of Lyon Real Estate’s local offices or its Agent Support Center in Sacramento.
About Lyon Cares Foundation
The Lyon Cares Foundation provides time, talent and treasure to local nonprofits that make their communities a better place. Our partner in giving is the Sacramento Region Community Foundation. The Lyon Cares Foundation has donated more than $780,000 to local nonprofits since 2015.
Category In The News
Elizabeth Penney
Elizabeth Penney is a content writer for Lyon Real Estate and the Lyon Local blog. A Sacramento native with a marketing background, she shares her insider knowledge on restaurants, attractions and outdoor activities throughout the greater Sacramento area and beyond.